Last year, a total of 267 billion USD was invested in renewable energy – and Chinese investors were responsible for a whopping 103 billion USD of this total. Excluding large-scale hydropower, investment into renewable energy made by developing countries reached 156 billion USD over the course of 2015. This surpassed the level of investment into renewable energy made by developed countries, which amounted to 130 billion USD over the same time period.
While renewable energy investments from Europe declined heavily in 2015, investments made by Chinese entities increased, making China the largest investor in renewable energy in the world. The most popular subsectors for investment are solar and wind, with biomass trailing in distant third place. Although renewable energy currently only accounts for 10 percent of electricity generation, this number is set to rise as it becomes more affordable and commonly utilised.
China is facing massive difficulties in terms of reducing and mitigating pollution – especially air pollution, caused mainly by the burning of coal for electricity generation. By investing in renewable energy, China is supporting the creation of new technology that could eventually allow the country to move away completely from coal and greatly reduce its air pollution.
Naseba has established a close relationships with investors in China. Our investor analysts speak with these Chinese investors on a daily basis in order to fully understand their needs, mandates and preferences. This research confirms that Chinese investors are focusing on renewable energy, and are looking for viable renewable energy opportunities around the world.
On July 27th, 2016, Naseba will be organising the China Investors Meeting in Beijing, China. At the meeting, pre-screened Chinese investors will be introduced to pre-qualified renewable energy opportunities from around the world.
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To learn more, contact:
Alex Baine
Project Lead
Naseba investor introduction
+971 4 455 7954