Happiness tip: start your next meeting with someone positive

By Alexander Kjerulf, Happiness coach Psychological experiments can be very devious, and this one was certainly no exception. The focus was meetings and the format was simple: Groups of people were asked to discuss and reach consensus on a contentious topic. Here’s the devious bit: Unbeknownst to the other participants one member of the group…

8 strategies to prevent poor & costly hiring decisions

By Emeline Roissetter, Founder – Professional Coach, MomentuM Coaching Great companies are made from great employees, and great employees are found through outstanding hiring processes. Unfortunately, each year, organisations pay a huge cost related to poor hiring. This cost not only includes interview, travels, accommodation, visa and onboarding expenses, but can also include poor employee…

Straight talk

By Dawn Metcalfe, Managing Director at PDSi It is not impossible to have good difficult conversations – but it is hard Difficult conversations are, well, difficult. Asking for a raise, persuading somebody that your idea is right and/or theirs is wrong, giving bad news to a supplier or direct report – nobody in their right…